Outline Color Code

Example Code

<!-- Codes by HTMLmagics -->
<p style="outline:2px solid Black;">This text has an outline color of: <b>Black</b>.</p>
<p>The outline of this text is inherited from its containing block, but <span style="outline:2px solid Black;">this 'span' tag has an outline color of <b>Black</b></span>. </p>
<div style="outline:2px solid Black;width:150px;">The outline color of this 'div' tag is <b>Black</b>. </div>
<p><a  style="font-size:11px;color:#999;" href="http://www.htmlmagics.blogspot.com/color/html-color-code-generator.cfm">HTML Color Generator</a></p>


This text has an outline color of: Black.

The outline of this text is inherited from its containing block, but this 'span' tag has an outline color of Black.

The outline color of this 'div' tag is Black.

HTML Color Generator