Text Color Code

Example Code

<!-- Codes by HTMLmagics -->
<p style="color:Black">The color of this text is: <b>Black</b>.</p>
<p>The color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but <span style="color:Black">the text inside this 'span' tag has been changed to <b>Black</b></span>. </p>
<div style="color:Black">The text inside this 'div' tag has a color of <b>Black</b>. </div>
<p><a  style="font-size:11px;color:#999;" href="http://htmlmagics.blogspot.com/color/html-color-code-generator.cfm">HTML Color Generator</a></p>


The color of this text is: Black.

The color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but the text inside this 'span' tag has been changed to Black.

The text inside this 'div' tag has a color of Black.

HTML Color Generator